Post-Occupancy Evaluation
Understanding how a building performs after occupancy is crucial in ensuring its longevity and minimising long-term costs. Our post-occupancy evaluations assess the building’s functionality, energy performance, and user satisfaction. We provide detailed reports and recommendations, ensuring your building meets its intended purpose and performance goals. This service is ideal for housing associations and local authorities.
Maintenance Planning
Proactive maintenance planning extends the lifespan of your building and reduces operational costs. We develop comprehensive maintenance plans that include regular inspections, preventive maintenance schedules, and budget forecasts. Our plans align with CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers) guidelines, ensuring effective and efficient building management for property investors and local businesses.
Facilities Planning
Effective facilities planning ensures your building operates smoothly and efficiently. We provide strategic planning services to optimise space utilisation, enhance operational efficiency, and improve user experience. Our approach considers current and future needs, aligning with BIFM (British Institute of Facilities Management) standards, ensuring your facilities support your organisational goals. This service is crucial for local authorities and housing associations looking to maximise the utility of their properties.
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